After the Rain

Okay, so the storm of the century, or whatever people are calling it, appears to have passed. Time for a few observations, starting with the Manoa lettuce. The youngest set of seeds in the large Orta Seed Pot seem to be doing the best of my current successions. That said, these plants have spent two months in the dirt and I think they should be larger. But at least they didn’t die, which I thought might have happened after spending much of the last two weeks in a pool of rain water. Eventually I think I’ll have to transplant them to a larger space, but I’m guessing their roots are all tangled by now, so that might not be feasible.

Not that I’ve had good luck with transferring. Prior to the storms, I’d transferred the slightly older Manoa lettuce seedlings from the smaller Orta Seed Pot to the large raised beds, and all three have fallen behind. I’d hoped for an eruption of growth, but they’ve barely gained any size at all.

Meanwhile, the plants that are by now maybe six months old have barely grown at all in their large plastic pot.

Attempting to take advantage of the free water, I sowed lots of seeds ahead of the storms. After all this time I still haven’t learned to track what I plant, though. One reminder of my lack of organization is this leafy green that got jumpstarted by the rain. It’s been there for several months, and I have no idea what it is, but I’m pretty sure it’s from Kitazawa (and not some kind of weed). At least I know that the seedlings around it are the Hiroshimana that Mom gave me (along with one of the saved Aguadulce I put in not long ago).

With space freed up in the small Orta Seed Pot, I dropped in some artichoke seeds off the plant I’ve been tending for ten years or so. Well, is it the same plant, or am I seeing new generations volunteer themselves? The internet claims artichoke plants live about six years. Anyway, I’ve never saved their seed, but was excited to see these little guys pop up in recent days.

It’s been a messy start to the year, gardening-wise, but I’d better get my act together in preparation for the months ahead… since these arrived today!


Digressing to the Diamond


The Kale That Grew from Concrete