Dumping Inventory

One of my many shortcomings as a gardener is a lack of organization. This is evident in part from the fact that my seed storage is a mess — so much of it haphazardly contained and lacking in labels. I’ve got corn from more than five years ago, sunflower seeds a decade old, and varieties of squash from unknown origin, just sitting out in overturned jar lids. Today I went ahead and tossed almost everything, which was hard to do, since it represented so much missed opportunity. However, I’m hoping to start fresh, to turn over a new leaf as they say, and take a step toward better management of the garden by keeping closer track of my seeds.

I also seeded a couple trays, planting saved gailan along with new hiroshimana cabbage, Kyoto red carrots, umaina chard, shonan red onions, and wasabina. I’m placing them near the new box, instead of sitting them on the deck where they’re in everyone’s way. It took me way too long to settle on this spot, so hopefully it works out. My logic is that the seedlings will be in easy reach of the hose and protected from the sun at its peak.

Eventually I’d like to have the space alongside the house set up for some semblance of an orderly system, with pots, tools, soil, and so on. Gotta take one step at a time, though.


Ribbit, Ribbit


Favas for the Future